Monday, October 30, 2006

learning Flash ...

I really need to bite the bullet and get on with learning to use Flash - I don't really want to (I seem to have this mental block ... I hear the word Flash and switch right off ;) ), but it seems to have become a requirement in my present job ...

Anyone out there got any hints or tips, or a link to an online tutorial ... ??


Gretel said...

Sorry Gail, am a bit of an ignoramous about these things, not surprised you switch off! Would have thought your bosses could at least buy you a 'dummies' book if they want you to learn it?

natural attrill said...

Hello, thought I would come and say hi, though no help with flash I am afraid, sorry.

Gail said...

Thanks for the comments - I feel like a fish out of water when it comes to Flash - it's just such a different way of thinking! Oh well, I'll give the tutorials that come with the software a go and do what I can ... at the end of the day all I can do is my best ;)

Joanna said...

Good luck with it. I did the first few once but that got lost, one the first. Wish I could use it.