Thursday, February 23, 2006

the ginger cat ...

It was too cold outside to go sketching during my lunch break so I've been in the office playing in photoshop with the scan I did of the cat in the basket - just to get an idea of which colours to use. Here's what I came up with as a starting point ...

It's a little pale, but I'll bear that in mind when I work it up further in watercolour (when I have the time).

I've also got some ideas in mind for Mother's Day cards - I've said I'll do one for my boyfriend's Mum too ... I want to make a start on those at the weekend, as I have to send the one to my Mum to South Africa (that can take a while!), so hopefully I'll have something to post here next week ...


Gretel said...

I love the scritchy scratchy feeling of the cat, do you know what I mean, a kind of Gerald Scarfe-ish feel about the line? Looking forward to the watercolour version.

Chris.P said...

Hi Gail

You have captured a cat's look of inscrutability. I like your style.


Gail said...

Thanks guys ... ;)